Going Green: Importance of going green and how best you can start now!

Get recycling (photo: adobe)Get recycling (photo: adobe)
Get recycling (photo: adobe)

The latest article from Angela Terry

Green Green campaigner and consumer expert, Angela Terry, separates climate change facts from fiction and here she explains how you can take simple, practical steps to help save the planet. Follow @ouronehome & visit https://onehome.org.uk/ for more advice.

Q: I’m a small business owner. How do I green my business?

A: With energy prices spiking and concerns about climate change at an all-time high, there has never been a better time for businesses to go green.

Why go green?

Get recycling (photo: adobe)Get recycling (photo: adobe)
Get recycling (photo: adobe)

It’s good for the planet ... and your bottom line!

Improving resource efficiency will save you money by reducing your bills.

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In turn, cutting the money you spend on waste disposal, water, heat, power and transport bills will reduce your carbon footprint.

What’s more, going green will improve your reputation, bring new opportunities, boost staff recruitment and help futureproof your business.

The UK Government has committed to halving emissions by 2030 and achieving net zero by 2050.

It’s better to act now, rather than later. Climate consumers are a growing market from which you could profit.

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How do you start?

Step one is understanding your company’s impact on the environment by working out the amount of carbon emissions its activities release into the atmosphere.

Then you can start reducing them.

The Carbon Trust’s report (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises) explains how to measure and cut your carbon footprint.

It has an online small business carbon footprint calculator. You can also seek advice from the Federation of Small Businesses and the British Chamber of Commerce.

Ready to commit?

If you want to commit to net zero, then the UK Government’s online ‘SME Climate Hub’ provides free tools and resources, including advice on financial support.

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Help for retail and hospitality

If you’re a café, bar or shop owner, you can seek free advice from the Retail Sector Council and Green Street’s websites.

Is funding available?

Yes! A range of green business grants are available.

You can apply for free energy assessments or carbon surveys to identify emissions and get advice on how to reduce them

There’s a comprehensive guide on the Zero Carbon Business website.

Beware greenwash

Consumers and the media are increasingly wary of companies’ green claims.